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 Louis Fréchette (1839-1908) The cottage where we met

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Louis Fréchette (1839-1908) The cottage where we met Empty
MessageSujet: Louis Fréchette (1839-1908) The cottage where we met   Louis Fréchette (1839-1908) The cottage where we met Icon_minitimeVen 19 Avr - 19:44

The cottage where we met

Two streams wending onward and ever,
Though springing from wells far apart,
Then joining to ne'er again sever;
T'was thus with thy soul and my heart!
You remember the old cottage, dearest,
That ivy-clad cot where we met;
'Tis a memory to me of the sweetest,
I will not, I cannot forget!
Two lights in the soft-ethered Heaven,
Which earthward poured down but one beam,
Were the hopes of the future then given
To us in our beautiful dream!
That cottage where roses abounded,
That dear little place where we met,
Where the fragrance of flowers surrounded
Our hearts : say you' never forget!
Years rolled, and forever we parted;
The stream became two as of yore;
The lights - though long one - separated,
In life ne'er to meet any more.
Still the pastis before me forever...
Oh! dearest, I'll never forget
When our love like the stars on the river,
So bright made the cot where we met!

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Louis Fréchette (1839-1908) The cottage where we met
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